5 Ways to Get Over a Friendship

Ways to get over a friendship

Have you ever lost a friend ? If yes, then you can understand that it’s harder to lose a friend than a boyfriend or girlfriend.  In this blog you will know 5 ways to get over a friendship after a breakup.

True friends are difficult to find, and when they leave, combating the consequences is even more difficult. If you’ve ever experienced a friendship breakup, you can understand that it bothers more than the inevitable passage of the seasons. You may be taken aback by the loss, despite the fact that it has been building for months or years. 

Why Does Friendship End?

You may experience self-doubt about leaving your friend. Therefore, take your time before deciding whether it is the correct decision or not. 

Sometimes investing more into the relationship can save a friendship. However, there must be a balance between fighting for those we care about and refusing to tolerate harmful behaviour.

There can be numerous reasons that can affect your friendship, some of them are –

  • Misunderstandings
  • Change of interests
  • Betrayal
  • Lack of trust
  • Miscommunication
  • Lack of support

How To Overcome The Emotional Wreck After Ending The Friendship?

Being emotional is one thing, but grieving over something for an extended period of time can be hazardous. Why cry over the same thing if you can’t laugh over it again and again?

Indeed, when you lose someone whom you have considered as an important part of your life, you will feel disheartened. But it’s time to start prioritising yourself. Move on and don’t burden yourself with guilt.

A friendship breakup can be intensely painful. But it is a good thing if you are moving forward from a toxic relationship. Obviously it is up to you to decide if your friendship is toxic or not.

For instance, when you start experiencing growth; personal or professional. It can be frightening for the people around you. And this could be one of the reasons that may trigger breaking up the friendship. 

Let’s move ahead and know the 5 ways to get over a friendship

1. Prioritise Your Mental Health

Always remember, that your mental health is above everything else. And moving on from someone who is hampering your mental health is a good thing. 

A friend is someone who provides us with mental support, peace and stands by us no matter what. If you don’t feel the same energy, you are definitely in the wrong company. Analyse the situation and do what is best for you.

Prefer quality over quantity. Quality friends will bring constructive change in you. Whereas, the one who is not a good friend will bring destructive changes.

2. Seek Resolution

Don’t be confused about why this relationship ended, or if anything is unclear, first clear them. It will make it easier for you to move forward. Because you will not think about all of these things every time after you gain clarity. So keep your mind clear and don’t be delusional.

Speaking with your friend can be a healthy way to foster comprehension, express how you were hurt, and even apologise if necessary. Remember that your goal is not to offend that person. Make sure you can communicate politely and, if possible, end the conversation by wishing them well.

3. Let Go Of The Guilt

Don’t go on a guilt trip if anything goes wrong. First thing to remember is that everything is not your fault. So, just don’t put that pressure on yourself.

If you are thinking that you should have amended the things and gone back to that person. You are just burdening yourself with more guilt. Don’t be harsh on yourself, take some time and try to heal, try to move on. 

Over exaggerating yourself is not a good thing for your mental well-being. 

4. Take Responsibility

Take accountability for your actions and understand where you might have failed in the relationship. Even if you are responsible for 10 % of the reason, taking accountability is still important.

It may sound contradictory but here is what it simply comes down to:

Allowing yourself to let go of false guilt allows you to move on and frees you from feeling obligated to the other person.

Furthermore, accepting and taking responsibility for your actions allows you to improve and become a better friend in the future and stops you from repeating past mistakes.

5. Validate your feelings

When you no longer spend time or talk to someone, with whom you have shared a wonderful bond, you will go through a roller coaster ride of emotions. From self-doubt to anger, guilt to anxiety and sadness to loneliness you will go through every feeling.

It is very important that you take time and validate your feelings. Because no one will understand you better than you yourself. Take time but accept and move on.

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