11 Creative Things to Do For Fun

11 Creative Things to Do For Fun

Sometimes, when we sit idle, we tend to think about the monotony of life, we feel a need for learning creative things. This happens because of boredom and doing the same repetitive things to kill it. Doesn’t it seem relatable to you? 

If yes, then it is quite normal, especially during your teenage years, when your mind wants a lot of things to consume. At that time, you can’t satisfy your mind by watching only netflix, short videos and browsing the internet repetitively. In an hour or two, you’ll again feel bored. Your mind wants more and more.

Then, what could be the solution to avoid such a situation?

Well, you should find new ways to kill boredom. Now, you might be wondering what could be the new ways to have fun. If so, then you will get to know the answer to this question in this blog by learning about 11 Creative Things to Do For Fun. Doesn’t it seem interesting? If yes, then let’s continue.

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Learn a new language

Imagine you could speak in a foreign language, maybe in Spanish or in French. Have you ever thought about it? Well, if yes, then you should try it because it is good to have knowledge of an additional language.

It will not only provide you with fun but also help you in your personality growth and in your career.

Beautify Your Garden

A beautiful garden amplifies the elegance of your home. If you love gardening, then plan to beautify your garden by planting flowering plants, adding stones, and decorating it the way you like.

It will not only provide you with fun, but also help you learn new things about gardening and horticulture. 

Write a Poem/Song

Can you create meaningful lines? If you could, then why don’t you consider writing a poem or a song to kill boredom? 

Take a pen and a paper, keep yourself calm, think about the topic you wish to write on and then start writing. Once you have written your song or a poetry, review it multiple times to make sure it is error free.

Take the review of your friends, teachers and parents. If you get a good response from them, publish your work in a newspaper or a magazine. Isn’t it so fascinating!

Create Your Own Website

Have you ever thought about creating your own website for sharing your thoughts, ideas and the things that you like? If yes, then why don’t you make it happen! 

Learn how to create your own website on Youtube, create your own content, publish them on your site and if you wish to earn, monetize your content using Google adsense. Isn’t it a great idea!

Apart from it, you could create your e-commerce website to sell your products and earn from it.

Design Your Sneakers

Do you love wearing swanky sneakers? If yes, then you may have heard about sneaker redesigning. People decorate their sneakers by painting them, trying colourful laces, or printing motifs on them. This way, you can also make your sneakers look stylish and unique. 

Also, you can pursue this as your hobby and share your created designs on Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram to get recognition.

Redesign Your Outfits

If you have old clothes that you love to wear but they look so dull or out of fashion, then redesign them. There are plenty of videos available on Youtube to learn ways to redesign your clothes. Just go through them and get some incredible ideas.

Create some unique fashion for yourself and surprise all by your redesigned outfits. 

Learn to Code

Some people hate coding but there are people who love to code and create things using coding. If you are one of those people, then watch some new lectures on coding.

Try doing creative things using coding, impress your parents, teachers and friends with your creativity. In the short run, it gives you joy and in the long term perspective, it will be professionally beneficial for you. 

Learn New Dance Moves

There are a lot of things to do for fun with friends, one of these is learning new dance moves. Invite your friends who have similar interests to your home, plan what dance form you guys wish to learn, arrange a music system and you are good to go.

Learn new dance moves, practise them repeatedly and finally get ready to impress everyone by your incredible dance moves in the next festivities or a special occasion. 

Decorate Your Room

Decorating your home is one of the creative things to do at home, as you don’t need to go outside. Change the locations of the things, arrange them symmetrically, and remove the unwanted stuff to make your room look amazing.

Also, you can try decorating your home by creating some decorative items using colourful papers, clothes, and other things.

Learn Calligraphy

When you search creative craft ideas on the web, you will get search results for calligraphy. It is one of the most pursued creative skills among youngsters. If you are the one who likes to do decorative writing then you should try learning calligraphy.

There are certificate courses in calligraphy available on the various platforms like Udemy and Coursera. Choose the one which has the best review and fulfils your requirements.

Learn Karaoke Singing

Do you love to sing? If yes, then begin it by trying Karaoke singing. Get karaoke tunes of your favourite songs, record the song in your voice, analyse yourself and practise it to improve your singing skills.

Also, search for activities near me and find a Karaoke competition near you. Participate in the competition to make your singing skills refined and recognised. 


Life is full of fun when you have reasons to enjoy it, but sometimes you may feel stagnant in life. In such a scenario, you can try learning new things to kill the boredom and monotony. The 11 creative things to do for fun which are suggested in this blog could be of great help. But, it all depends on your personal choice and preference.

We always want fun and entertainment to cope with boredom, but it will be amazing if we learn something new and unique from it. The suggested creative ideas are for learning, entertainment and fun. I hope you’ll enjoy doing them.

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